Evaluation of the quality of agricultural and forest soils
Soil microorganisms influence ecosystems and soil fertility, both in the establishment of biogeochemical cycles and in the formation of their structure. In addition, they exert a great influence on numerous reactions of oxidation, hydrolysis and degradation of organic matter, which in turn have a clear reflection in the natural cycles of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and other elements. In this way, the study of the biological state can serve as a marker of soil status, that is, as an indicator of its quality, which will inevitably be linked to the natural fertility of said soil. The characterization of the soil is based on physical-chemical, microbiological and enzymatic parameters. In addition, microbial respiration is also determined in the laboratory.
These studies apply to:
• Forest soils with different levels of intensity of recreational activity.
• Forest soils under different tree cover and subject to different silvicultural treatments.
• Forest and agricultural energy crops.
• Forest soils with logging and reforested areas.
• Soils burned.
• Soils subjected to conditions of controlled water stress.