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Admission requirements

Prerequisites for Student Access

Access to undergraduate university studies will be regulated in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 412/2014, of 6 July, which establishes the basic regulations for admission procedures to official university studies. 412/2014, of 6 July, which establishes the basic regulations for admission procedures to official undergraduate university studies, and on the basis of which the University of Castilla-La Mancha has issued its own regulations, which are specified in the ‘Regulations of 16/05/2018’ and its subsequent corrections, of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, by which it is agreed to publish the regulations for admission to official undergraduate university studies at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, which is accessible on the ‘Pre-University - Access’ website of the UCLM.

In the case of students taking the University Entrance Exams (EvAU), it may be of interest to consult the general information on these exams, as well as the weighting of subjects for the specific phase of the exam, at the following website 
 link.  Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology are the subjects that will have the highest weighting in the admission grade for the Degree in Biomedical Engineering.

In any case, the detailed specification of access to UCLM can be found in the section on 'Pre-Universitario - Acceso' ; please enquire for further information.


Student Profile

Although its close relationship with the branch of health sciences should not be forgotten, the Degree in Biomedical Engineering will offer training of an eminently technical nature, framed in the branch of knowledge of ‘Engineering and Architecture’ and in the field of knowledge of ‘Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications Engineering’. Thus, the recommended entry profile for those wishing to study the Degree in Biomedical Engineering corresponds to that of a student who has passed the ‘Science and Technology’ Baccalaureate or is in possession of a Higher Level Training Cycle in the professional branches of ‘Electricity and Electronics’ or ‘Installation and Maintenance’.

More specifically, those interested in this degree should have:

  • Advanced knowledge in mathematics, physics and chemistry, and at least basic knowledge in biology and computer science.
  • Capacity for observation and analysis, as well as ability and speed in numerical calculation and the resolution of quantifiable problems.
  • Ability to reason logically and abstractly.
  • Full capacity for reading, reflection and oral and written communication.
  • Knowledge of a foreign language, preferably English.
  • Personal attitudes such as initiative, ability to cooperate in a team, personal organisation of work, ability to work under pressure, leadership and responsibility
  • Interest in the practical application of knowledge to solve real problems, in engineering and medicine..
Pre-registration and enrolment

The enrolment process follows the generic provisions of the UCLM. The ‘Pre-university’ section provides information on this process through this page.

VET Awards

During the academic year 2023/24 the recognition tables between VET and the Degree in Biomedical Engineering will be drawn up for validation by the JCCM and ANECA, after which they will come into force. Once they are applicable, further information can be obtained by consulting the following link