Purchasing books and other resources

This service which is based at the General Libraries on each Campus, is responsible for managing purchases of bibliographical materials for the entire university community. The library has its own budget, but is also responsible for processing orders taken out of the budgets which Centres and departments have for meeting their bibliographical needs, and which, they have informed the library about beforehand. They may also, if they so request, make orders which are paid for out of the budgets for different Research Projects, Financial support for Thesis,etc, as well as servicing acquisition requests from different Government Bodies and General Services from the University of Castilla-La Mancha.


Purchasing requests


If they wish to send a book or journal purchase request, which is to be paid out of their budget, they may do this through the CAU ( Service point for users). books request / journals request. This service is exclusively for the Heads of Expenses Units. They may also fill out the following forms: books request / journals request and send them to the Acquisitions Services or  Newspaper and Periodicals Library on their campus or at their centre.

The Budgetary Communication form for bibliographical acquisitions (just for Centre and Departmental heads) may be downloaded in PDF or in Microsoft Word.


Students who wish to make a desiderata (lists used in libraries to suggest acquisition of new works) or purchasing request for bibliographical material, may do so by accessing My Library (and in the card/email field, they must enter their Virtual Campus user name (identification number without 0 on the left) and in the password field they must enter their password for the Virtual Campus or that of their email).


Tracking orders

 In order to know at what stage the orders or desideratas are at, identification must be shown in the My Library section. Teachers must enter the user name of the domain with the format name.surname, that is, the identifier which appears to the left of the @ symbol in the email and the password is that of the UCLM domain (that which is entered when we identity ourselves on logging onto the PC). In the card/email field, students must enter the Virtual Campus user name ( identification number) and in the password field, the password of the Virtual Campus must be entered.

In the My Library section, the teachers who are account owners, may also see the state of their budget or the budgets for acquisition of bibliographical material in their areas.

For any further information, contact the Acquisitions Service of the General Library on the corresponding campus:

Albacete General Library

General Library Ciudad Real

Cuenca General Library

Toledo General Library


Most frequently asked questions in books purchasing

 Who can order a book?

Any member of the university community can request to purchase a book.

  • Teachers, before requesting a purchase, must bear in mind that:
    • The purchasing procedure is fully described in the Regulations for Centralised Acquisition of Bibliographical Materials
    • The use of both these printed and online forms, is exclusively limited to members of the university community.
    • Requests for new acquisitions without showing user identification will be rejected.
    • All orders must be signed by the heads of the different centres for expenses and the respective departments. If you do not know who they are, you may contact the acquisitions services on the different campuses: AlbaceteCiudad RealCuencaToledo.
    • For acquisitions of bibliographical materials made from the library which arepaid for out of the budgets for research projects, the procedure is the same as that for centralised acquisition, except for payment, which is made from the UGEC on the respective campuses.
    • In any event, all purchases of bibliographical materials made which are paid for out of the budgets for research projects must be catalogued, registered and sealed by the library, which will be responsible for making the pertinent inventory certificate.
  • Government and General Services bodies of the UCLM:
    • The different units and services of the UCLM may request purchase of bibliographical materials by means of the acquisitions services of the library, whenever it deems it pertinent to do so.
    • If so, it must send a normalized form to the acquisitions section signed by the party in chargeof expenses who is authorizing the purchase.
    • Once the material has been received at the library, the cataloguing, registration and sealing process will begin and it will be sent with the invoice and inventory certificate to the unit that requested this.
    • In any event, all purchases of bibliographical materials made by Government Bodies and General Services of the UCLM must be catalogued, registered and sealed by the library, which will be responsible for making the pertinent inventory certificates for them.
  • Students:
    • They may request to purchase books by means of the desiderata forms available in the loans section.


How can I order a book?

The university staff will use the online forms or the forms designed for this purpose (You may download them  here) and students will use the  desideratas form.


How long does it take for a book to arrive?

On average, a book published in Spain takes between one and three weeks, and a foreign book takes between 3 weeks and two months. In both situations, this time will depend on the availability, distribution, age, etc of the work requested.


I wish to order a book... but I don´t know all details about it.

The acquisition service will go over  all data for the book  in order to identify it correctly. If the data is incomplete, we search for that which is missing. However, if the order requested comes fully furnished with data, this will make work easier and the book will be available much earlier.

You may look for the book you are interested in here:

Spanish books:

English and American books (Virtual bookshops):


Has the book I ordered arrived yet?

The automated catalogue is the best tool for tracking a book from the time it is ordered. Running different types of search (title, author, subject etc) at what stage a book is  can be known.

Another way of finding out if books have arrived is consulting the "New acquisitions" section of the catalogue; in which the latest additions to the library collection will be shown.

You can also find out what stage the books you have ordered are at (if they have arrived at the library, if they are available for consultation, or simply if they have still not been dispatched by their supplier). Go to My Library to enquire about the books you have requested.


May I order materials other than books?

Yes, of course. Any material may be ordered, regardless of its format:books, videos, DVDs, CD-ROMs, microfiches.

To request a subscription to a journal, please contact Newspaper Archives staff at the General Libraries: AlbaceteCiudad RealCuencaToledo.


Stocks of the book I need are exhausted.  What can I do?

Contact the  Inter-library Loan Service at your library. There, they will locate the book you need from another library, and they will deal with your request.


Where is the Acquisitions Service of the library?



Regulations for acquiring documents

Regulations of the newspaper and periodicals library