The book “Approaches to Experimental Visual Poetry in the MIDE-CIANT Collections” is finally here. This editorial and exhibition project was developed in several meetings and telephone conversations with Toni Ibirico and César Reglero during the months of the pandemic. Both saw the need to address a project that would highlight the works of Experimental Visual Poetry in the MIDE-CIANT collections, and that, in turn, would serve to disseminate practices that have been very little recognized and collected in the historiography of Spanish art. With the mission of giving value to these practices and our collection, the MIDE-CIANT team launched itself into this project.
We set out, first, to draw a genealogy that will allow us to locate the works in the collection and at the same time draw up a historiographical account of these practices. From the poetic experimentation of the late 1960s and 1970s (concrete-visual poetry), very little recognized in the poetic anthologies of the time, we move on to the manifestations of the 70s - 90s already recognized with the term visual - experimental poetry, where the appearance of the photocopier will revolutionize the practice, until we reach the present day, where dissemination through the Internet and social networks has favored its recovery and has been reinforced with several renowned exhibitions.
978-84-9044-702-4 (Print Edition)
978-84-9044-703-1 (Electronic Edition)
Click here to access the digital publication.
Direct sales through the UCLM publications service:
Price: €20.
Ana Navarrete, Montserrat de Pablo, Antonio Orihuela, Marcela Navarrete, Javier Ariza, Miguel Molina Alarcón, Rubén Serna, Johana Guarín Medina, Raquel Caerols, María Sánchez Berenguer, César Reglero, Consuelo Vallejo and Pepe Murciego.