The University of Castilla-La Mancha has become the first university institution in Spain to get the certificate Aenor Protocolos against COVID-19. This way, the regional University demonstrates its commitment to returning to the essential service it provides, in suitable conditions for students, professors, researchers and administration and services staff.
This distinctions supports that the protocols developed by the UCLM are aligned with the recommendations of national and international organizations, as well as with good practices in the education sector.
The Aenor’s certificate puts the university at the forefront in the action against COVID-19. To obtain this distinction, the university has been subjected to comprehensive face-to-face and written assessments. Being a continuous process, the university will be audited on a quarterly basis and annually. The certification supports a comprehensive approach to managing COVID-19 risks. Aenor has taken into account various aspects: management of specific risks, management of workplace health, good cleaning and hygiene practices, organizational measures, protection measures, training, information, communication, crisis management and continuity of activities.
In this portal your will find the protocols we have carried out for the proper use of the facilities at the Faculty of Communication, as well as the link to the University’s website, where you can find updated information on health and the work environment.
Information and recommendations during the evolution of the coronavirus (COVID-19)
Protocol for returning to face-to-face work after the state of health alarm due to SARS-CoV-2. Precautionary measures.