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The doctoral candidate from the Wind Energy and Power Systems section with members of the Solar and Energy Efficiency department participated in the XI CNIT held from 12 to 14 June in Albacete.

Raquel Villena participates in the 11 CNIT Congress

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Raquel Villena participates in the 11 CNIT Congress


The PhD student of the Wind and Power Systems section, Raquel Villena Ruiz, together with members of the Solar and Energy Efficiency section, attended the XI Congreso Nacional y II Internacional de Ingeniería Termodinámica, held in Albacete between 12 and 14 June. 

The work presented, entitled “Integration of Wind Energy Systems with Packed Bed Thermal Storage to Imp
rove Operation Performance”, highlighted the importance of implementing thermal energy storage systems together with renewable energy power plants that can increase the stability and reliability of power systems, in addition to act as balancing systems between times of overload and low electricity generation periods.
