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University cities and heritage


espite its youth, the University of Castilla-La Mancha enjoys a rich historic-artistic and environmental heritage on its campuses.

In Albacete, the most populated campus in Castilla-La Mancha, university students may enjoy spacious green areas and one of the most accessible urban designs in the whole of Spain. Modernity and tradition go hand in hand in a city that is the industrial power house of the region and, at the same time, reinvidicates its roots during the Fair, declared to be of international interest for tourism and which is held in September.

The Ciudad Real campus is situated in the only province of Spain which has two national parks, las Tablas de Damiel and Cabaneros, two essential getaways for those who live in this university city which is accessible, modern and has excellent communication. Moreover, the University has an additional site in this province, specifically in Almaden, a locality famous for its mine, which has been declared a world Heritage site by UNESCO.

UNESCO has also recognized the wealth of heritage in another UCLM site in Cuenca. Its old quarter has been a World Heritage site since 1996 and houses one of the most vibrant cultural spaces of the region, the Open University Cultural Classroom (ACUA)

We cannot speak about the artistic-historic heritage in Castilla-La Mancha, without making specific reference to Toledo, where there is also a University of Castilla-La Mancha site and which has also been declared Cultural World Heritage by UNESCO. Various academic institution centres are located in architectural gems such as San Pedro Martir, the Palacio de Padilla or the Sabatini building.

The UCLM owns one other site in Toledo province, in the town of Talavera de la Reina, internationally renowned for the artistic richness of its pottery.