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In depth study of the heritage of Mapuche Women

The UCLM is exhibiting photos in augmented reality for the first time. They were taken by students of a joint master´s which they are carrying out with the French university of Clermont Auvergne

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The UCLM is exhibiting photos in augmented reality for the first time. They were taken by students of a joint master´s which they are carrying out with the French university of Clermont Auvergne


The Faculty of Arts on the Ciudad Real campus will host the "Pilquen" exhibition until the 11th of February. "The heritage of Mapuche women", is a collection of augmented reality photographs taken by Master´s students of Franco-Spanish Intercultural Studies which the universities of Castilla-La Mancha and Clermont Auvergne in France are carrying out together.

Pilquen. The heritage of Mapuche women is the title of the exhibition which may be seen from today up until 11th of February in the Exedra room at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), on the Ciudad Real campus. It is an immersive experience made by five students who show the important role weavers have as conveyers of Mapuche culture, the most populous indigenous people in the Southern Cone, located in Chile and Argentina. Moreover, they achieve this due to an augmented reality project which combines archive photos and contemporary ones with testimonys, videos, myths and poems. 

This is the work of Justine Baptut, Anne Batisse, Juliette Chausse, Gabrielle Esch, Lucie Lecointre and Eva Plesel, French students of double-honours in Franco-Spanish Intercultural Studies and University Master´s in Research on Arts and Humanities which the university students of Castilla-La Mancha and Clermont Auvergne, in France offer together. At the UCLM, this study programme lasts for one year  and leads to a double honours  in  the official master´s in European and International Studies from the University of Clermont Auvergne and the Official Master´s in Research on Arts and Humanities from the UCLM, which is aimed at making professionals.

On implementing the exhibition, which is part of the  Afro-American-Caribbean Union (MAAC), students have been helped by students at the Higher School of  Infotronics in Haiti.

Making the most of the inauguration of the sample, the universities of  Castilla-La Mancha and Clermont Auvergne have held two conferences  which can be followed simultaneously in the Degrees Room at the Ciudad Real Faculty of Arts and the Human Sciences Building in Clermont-Ferrand, France. In the first of these, the University of Alicante professor Maribel Corbi Sáez will give a talk on the coverage of the French press of Spanish authors which were exiled in the neighbouring country due to the military coup by General Franco. The second will be run by Julie Corsin, from the UCLM, and will be entitled Exil et symboles de l'entre deux: l'exemple de Silvia Baron Supervielle (Exile and symbols : the example of Silvia Baron Supervielle).

UCLM Communication Office Ciudad Real, 3rd of December 2021


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