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Four papers were presented from the different members of the Wind and Electrical Systems section

Estefanía Artigao and Raquel Villena attend the WESC 2019 Conference

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Estefanía Artigao and Raquel Villena attend the WESC 2019 Conference


Dr. Estefanía Artigao Andicoberry, together with PhD student Raquel Villena Ruiz, both members of the Wind and Power Systems section, attended the Wind Energy Science Conference 2019  held in Cork (Ireland), between 17 and 20 June.

As part of topic 5 “Turbine lifecycle considerations”, Estefanía talked about an innovative method that deals with the predictive maintenance of wind turbines based on the current signature analysis.Raquel, as part of topic 3 Wind to wire power systems”, talked about the analysis of transient responses of DFIG wind turbines defined based on different international Standards and modeled using two different simulation software tools. 

More information about the congress can be found here.


