Caminos Sport Club

The Sports Club Caminos (CDC) is a non-profit association focused on organising different cultural and sports activities along the academic year and encouraging students to participate actively in each of the events carried out at the School. It is also a link between the School Management and the students when they have to send a message and students are encouraged to carry out any of the many different activities organised by the School.

The CDC is currently made up of 4 members, all of whom are studying for the Degree in Civil and Territorial Engineering:

  • Chairperson: Gabriel Castaño
  • Deputy chairperson and Treasure: Lucía Picazo 
  • Secretary: Carmen Aranda
  • Board member: Nuria Fino


The members of the sports club can vary according to the organising requirements each year and the availability of the members. When members leave the club, there is a vote based on factors such as participation, commitment and respect in order to find their replacements.

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The club also organises Intercaminos. This event consists in a 3-day retreat between civil  engineering students from different schools in Spain where they carry out different sports and leisure activities. The CDC is in charge of this successful event, one students eagerly await. It deals with coordination between the other participating schools and organises mobilities and stays for Ciudad Real students.

In 2021 Ciudad Real was the host city. That year the club was in charge of organising all the activities carried out over those 3 days and coordinated the participating cities, booked the sports venues, leisure pursuits and prize giving. Also, helped by some students from the School, it refereed and guided the sports leagues.

Day of the school

The CDC is one of the organisers of the day of the School. Among the activities carried out, the club plans the sports activities for the morning, integrates and encourages both professors and students to participate. This event consists in a small mixed league for different sports such as football, paddle tennis, volleyball and tug of war and the famous test tube toss for men and women.

At the end, and in order to create a family atmosphere between professors and students, the club organises a party at a venue in the city as the best way to round off the Day of the School.


 At the beginning of the year, the club holds a freshers`party for all students from the School in order to integrate new students. At these activity students get to know one another and those from higher years and thus the family atmosphere which typifies the School is nurtured.

Kit design

The club designs the school kit which is made up of a sports t-shirt and a sweatshirt both of which are worn at Intercaminos. The t-shirt is exclusively used for this event, but you can buy the sweatshirt even if you do not participate in it. Every year they design a new one so everyone can have their own.