This is a preventive activity to protect the health of workers, because it makes it possible to identify failures in the Prevention Plan. It is not the same as a medical examination. This surveillance can be carried out through medical or health examinations. It is the most usual, but it is only one of the possible ways. There are others, for example, health surveys, biological controls, absenteeism studies, accident statistics. Anything that provides information on the health of workers can become a valid indicator for health surveillance.
It is useful:
- to realize in time that a worker is sick and be able to act as soon as possible;
- to study wheter the diseases of a group of workers are related to work;
- to verify if the preventive measures really avoid the damage to the health of the workers.
It is regulated by the LPRL, in its art.22 and must:
- be guaranteed by the employer.
- be specific about risks.
- be voluntary unless it is essential due to danger to the interested party or other workers.
- be legally regulated.
- be confidential, neither the employer nor non-health personnel will be able to access the worker's medical history.
- be prolonged, as is the case of asbestos workers, etc. that they will continue medical control for several years, even if they are outside the responsible company.
- be documented, the medical history must be kept for future studies.
UCLM has this service with QUIRÓN PREVENCIÓN
Periodic Medical Examination.
You must work at UCLM.
Through "Mi Salud" (web page or mobile App of Quirón Prevención), by choosing the date and center that best suits you based on the available slots. At ALMADÉN there will be a mobile unit.
Initial Medical Examination.
Mail to (including DNI number, birthday and mobile phone number).
Back to work after a medical sick leave.
Mail to (including DNI number, birthday and mobile phone number) to study if it is necessary to adapt your workplace.
If you think you need some adaptation of your workplace due to pregnancy, illness, recognized dissability or any other special sensitivity.
Mail to (including DNI number, birthday and mobile phone number) to study if it is necessary to adapt your workplace.
91 122 14 52 (call center Madrid)
664 661 127 (María - QP in Ciudad Real for UCLM)
Through App or Web Mi salud (QP), you can cancel or modify your appointment.