1. Valid signatures.

Validity of signatures for procedures at EID

The Act 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Public Authorities Common Administrative Procedure sets out in its article 10.1:

"The interested persons may sign by any means that allows them to prove the authenticity of the expression of their will and consent, as well as the integrity and inalterability of the document."

In application of this article, the following shall be admitted for the purposes of the procedures to be carried out at this School:

  1. Valid electronic signature, in accordance with article 10.2 of the Act 39/2015 "recognized or qualified and advanced, based on recognized or qualified electronic certificates of electronic signature issued by providers included in the "List of Trusted Certification Service Providers." For these purposes, the above-mentioned recognized or qualified electronic certificates are understood to include those of legal persons and of entities without legal personality."
  2. Original handwritten signature.
  3. Exceptionally, when circumstances make it difficult to send the document by the above means, the original handwritten signature, scanned in its entirety after signature and sent from the signatory's institutional email address, will be accepted.
    In the latter case, the original document will remain in the possession of the issuer in case it is required by the processing body at any time during the procedure.

The insertion of images of signatures will not be considered a valid form of signature since it does not allow compliance with the requirements of art. 10 of Act 39/2015, as it does not guarantee the authenticity of the expression of the signatory's will and consent.


2. Written Undertaking of Supervision.

New tool for the management of the Written Undertaking of Supervision

From the 2019-20 academic year, the EID has implemented a change in the management model for doctoral students’ Written Undertaking of Supervision (CDS) that replaces the completion and signature of the form available on this page.

The new system allows the CDS to be accepted without the need for signatures. The doctoral candidate, his/her supervisor and tutor assigned in the admission process only have to access the pre-enrolment platform through a personalized link that will be received by email, through which they will be able to see the CDS relevant to them in PDF format and proceed to ACCEPT or REJECT it, as appropriate.

Once the document is accepted, both supervisors will be included in the student's record. If, for academic reasons, it is necessary to add cosupervisors, this may be requested through the procedure available for this purpose on the website



This is an alternative to form B.1.02. Form for the accreditation of research experience in doctoral studies

the FECyT website standardized CVA can be used instead of this form provided it meets the following conditions:

  • it is signed (usually electronically when it is downloaded from the FECyT website, but this may not be the case if it is a draft)
  • it contains information on the number of six-year periods recognized by the CNEAI or, in the case of accrediting research experience with equivalent scientific contributions, that the evidence of quality specific to the scientific field of each of them is duly detailed (impact index, positioning of the journal, prestige of the publisher in the case of books or book chapters, ...).


Criteria for quality of scientific contributions

As a reference, you can consult the specific criteria approved for each of the evaluation fields at this link by the National Evaluation Commission of Research Activity (CNEAI), for the evaluation of six-year periods in the 2018 call.

A.1 General forms:

B.1. Doctoral Thesis Submission:

B.2. Mentions in the Doctoral Degree:

B.3. Doctoral Thesis Jury, Defence Act and Grading:

B.4. Issuance of the Doctoral Degree:


C. Validation to the Academic Level of Doctorate:

D. Doctoral Thesis Cosupervised by UCLM and Foreign Universities:

E. Extraordinary Doctorate Award:

E.01 Application for Eligibility for Extraordinary Doctorate Award

E.02 Report justifying the submission of the thesis in a branch of knowledge other than that of the candidate's doctoral programme 

Notes on Forms

Validity of signatures to carry out procedures in the EID.
Law 39/2015, of October 1 of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, establishes in its art. 10.1:"Interested parties may sign through any means that allows accrediting the authenticity of the expression of their will and consent, as well as the integrity and unalterability of the document."

In application of this article, the following will be admitted for the purposes of the procedures to be carried out in this School:

  • Valid electronic signature, in accordance with art. 10.2 of Law 39/2015. "recognized or qualified and advanced based on recognized or qualified electronic certificates of electronic signature issued by providers included in the "Trusted List of Certification Service Providers". For these purposes, the aforementioned recognized or qualified electronic certificates are understood to include those of a legal person and of an entity without legal personality."
  • Original handwritten signature.

Exceptionally, when circumstances make it difficult to send the document by the previous means, the original handwritten signature, scanned in its entirety after the signature and sent from the institutional e-mail of the signatory, shall be admitted.

In the latter case, the original document will remain in the possession of the issuer in case it is required by the processing body at any time during the procedure.
The insertion of images of signatures shall not be considered a valid signature, since it does not comply with the requirements of art. 10 of Law 39/2015, as it does not guarantee the authenticity of the expression of the signatory's will and consent.

Updating Forms

The forms and models available for procedures before the EID are constantly being revised and updated, so please download them on dates close to the procedure in question and avoid using previous versions that may make it necessary to reject them.

New tool for managing the Documentary Commitment to Supervision.

The EID has implemented this academic year 2019-20 a change in the management model of the Documentary Commitment to Supervision (CDS) of doctoral students that replaces the completion and signature of the form available on this page.

The new system allows the CDS to be accepted without the need for signatures. Simply the doctoral student, his/her director and tutor/assigned in the admission process must access the pre-registration platform through a personalized link that will be sent to them by e-mail, through which they can view the CDS that affects them in PDF format and proceed to ACCEPT or REJECT it, as appropriate.

Once the document is accepted, both supervisors will be added to the student's file. If, for academic reasons, the addition of co-directors is required, this may be requested through the procedure implemented in the electronic office for this purpose.

Alternative to form B.1.02. Form for accreditation of research experience in doctoral programs
The standard FECyT CVA can be used instead of this form provided that it meets the following conditions:

it must be signed (it is usually signed electronically when downloaded from the FECyT, but this may not be the case if it is a draft form)
It must contain information on the number of six-year periods recognized by the CNEAI or, in the case of accrediting research experience with equivalent scientific contributions, it must detail the indications of quality specific to the scientific field of each one of them (impact index, positioning of the journal, prestige of the publisher in the case of books or book chapters, ...).

Quality criteria for scientific contributions
As a reference, you can consult in this link the specific criteria approved for each of the fields of evaluation by the National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity for the evaluation of sexenios in the 2018 call.

E. Premios Extraordinario de Doctorado