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Entrance and admission

Admission profile

To access the Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism, students must have passed the University Access Test from any high-school itinerary, not just from social sciences. The final mark will serve as a scale to determine the order of access (60 places).

Likewise, students from Advanced Professional Training will be able to access the degree through entrance tests for people over 25 and 45, people who already have a university degree and people over 40 who can prove work or professional experience in communication and journalism. 

Besides the formal requirements, taking into account the contents and skills developed in the Degree and the type of activities for which this studies train, it would be desirable for students to have the following qualities and habits:

  • Curiosity about the world and what happens in it, interest in knowing and understanding current events and concern about the different dimensions of the political, economic, social and cultural background.
  • Interest in understanding what the media are and how they operate in the contemporary society, what makes them a key element in shaping the public sphere and how they have an impact on the dynamics of social and political action.
  • Ability to observe, analyse and synthesize, in order to disseminate knowledge and information.
  • High competence in oral and written expression, since an excellent command of the various forms of expression is required to adapt to any type of news story: written, visual, audiovisual or sound.
  • Awareness of the need for a broad, deep and constant humanistic and scientific training throughout life, and interest in acquiring it.
  • Habit of consulting and reading the news. Consumption of diverse media in terms of subject, format and ideological orientation, as well as the ability to make a critical and detached reading.
  • Familiarity with argued discussion, habit of expressing opinions rigorously and the ability to differentiate them from prejudices and conjectures.
  • Pleasure in reading and writing different genres and formats, whether or not they are current information, such as literature.
  • Habit of using digital technologies and devices and ability to adapt to technological innovations and incorporate them into daily use.
  • Willingness to listen to people and interest in them and their experiences, commitment to respect others and to defend diversity and plurality, searching for a democratic common spacethat admits conflict and avoids positions of superiority.
  • Creativity and originality in productions and project ideation. At present, working on journalism and communication requires a high degree of initiative and autonomy to be able to adapt to the contexts of future uncertainty.
Access Routes
  • Secondary school diploma (any itinerary) + University entrance exam.
  • Advance professional training.
  • Access tests for people over 25.
  • Access tests for people over 45.
  • Access for people over 40 through accreditation of work or professional experience.
  • Access for university graduates

Once the above requirements have been exceeded, the cut-off mark gives access to the 60 students with the best marks in the EvAU (University entrance exam).


Information on exams and access procedures

EvAU | See information